Wednesday, July 01, 2009
i found PAC-MAN on the internet and i've been playing it all day long!! (:
watched transformers last night and it was super action packed. so sad can! ): but i shant spoiler lest my BFF comes after me :p i shall post more after Sunday (:
anyway, few quotes i chanced upon on FB again!!
Good Leaders Are Good Followers. A rebel at heart will never lead anybody in the Church. To be a good leader, you have to be a good follower. Those who want to do their own thing will never lead anybody, but those who know how to follow will soon become leaders. You have to get in line behind someone else before others can get inline behind you!
uh-huh (: being rebellious in nature iz so not going to make you a disciple of His. to be a shepherd, you gotta learn to be a sheep. and if you dun have your own shepherd above you, how could you know you're actually in the right track? (: it is never and will never be a one man show (:
one apple a day keeps the doctor away.
BUT, if the doctor is handsome, throw the apple away..
haha den i chanced upon this too!! :D HAHA interesting (: if all the doctors in the world at handsome, there would be no more need for apples. LOL
i was thinking..
wouldnt it have been nice if i was born blonde :p
*tosstoss hahaha (:
thanks to Keith, i'm nursing a Wicked addiction (:
toodles!Labels: quotes :D
*throbs @13:48 <3
There .
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